Sunday 22 April 2012


Amanda Hocking's novel was a intriguing read.  However, with cheesetastic lines (that I couldn't help but read aloud in a melodramatic voice) and the love square/triangle with people that have only just met, Switched is not without problems.

Wendy Everly has always felt different.  At her sixth birthday party, after throwing yet another tantrum, her mother tried to kill her, all while screaming that she wasn't her daughter.  Now seventeen, and at yet another new school, Wendy can't help but notice the boy in class who has been staring at her.  Little does she know that he is about to reveal her true identity.

Plot wise, after the first few chapters nothing really happens.  For me the majority of the book is an introduction, and you'd think this would be a bad, no?  Well it isn't.  There's plenty of potential for the next two books, and because everything has practically been established in Switched, it should allow for more development without a re-hash of what has already been described. 

What also saved Switched for me was the short story included in my edition about the Vittra family.  I found those 20+ pages to be filled with characters who were complex and intriguing and had me slightly wishing that the whole book had been told from their perspective.   
  I think I had set out not to like Switched, but, I found there was enough to keep me happy and more than plenty for me to discuss once I had finished

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